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the betrayals mark you, and they never forget you and they change your life EmptyНед Май 19, 2024 12:11 pm by The Cosmos

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the betrayals mark you, and they never forget you and they change your life EmptyСъб Май 18, 2024 12:21 am by Jan.

» Fate doesn’t stick around for happy endings. It only gives you the opportunity to work for one
the betrayals mark you, and they never forget you and they change your life EmptyСря Май 15, 2024 10:30 am by The Cosmos

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the betrayals mark you, and they never forget you and they change your life EmptyВто Апр 30, 2024 5:39 pm by The Cosmos

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the betrayals mark you, and they never forget you and they change your life EmptyПет Апр 26, 2024 6:45 pm by The Cosmos

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the betrayals mark you, and they never forget you and they change your life EmptyСря Апр 24, 2024 5:15 pm by The Cosmos

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the betrayals mark you, and they never forget you and they change your life EmptyСря Апр 17, 2024 10:09 pm by The Cosmos

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the betrayals mark you, and they never forget you and they change your life EmptyСря Апр 17, 2024 2:09 pm by The Cosmos

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the betrayals mark you, and they never forget you and they change your life EmptyВто Апр 16, 2024 11:11 pm by Isabelle.

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The Cosmos (5805)
the betrayals mark you, and they never forget you and they change your life LXMzz9Dthe betrayals mark you, and they never forget you and they change your life LXMzz9Dthe betrayals mark you, and they never forget you and they change your life LXMzz9D 
Xiao Bai (2374)
the betrayals mark you, and they never forget you and they change your life LXMzz9Dthe betrayals mark you, and they never forget you and they change your life LXMzz9Dthe betrayals mark you, and they never forget you and they change your life LXMzz9D 
Isabelle. (2304)
the betrayals mark you, and they never forget you and they change your life LXMzz9Dthe betrayals mark you, and they never forget you and they change your life LXMzz9Dthe betrayals mark you, and they never forget you and they change your life LXMzz9D 
Xavier-Alexander M. (1965)
the betrayals mark you, and they never forget you and they change your life LXMzz9Dthe betrayals mark you, and they never forget you and they change your life LXMzz9Dthe betrayals mark you, and they never forget you and they change your life LXMzz9D 
Ashleigh Ortiz. (1817)
the betrayals mark you, and they never forget you and they change your life LXMzz9Dthe betrayals mark you, and they never forget you and they change your life LXMzz9Dthe betrayals mark you, and they never forget you and they change your life LXMzz9D 
Eva Massey. (1558)
the betrayals mark you, and they never forget you and they change your life LXMzz9Dthe betrayals mark you, and they never forget you and they change your life LXMzz9Dthe betrayals mark you, and they never forget you and they change your life LXMzz9D 
Kathleen Saunders. (1401)
the betrayals mark you, and they never forget you and they change your life LXMzz9Dthe betrayals mark you, and they never forget you and they change your life LXMzz9Dthe betrayals mark you, and they never forget you and they change your life LXMzz9D 
Liam S. (1389)
the betrayals mark you, and they never forget you and they change your life LXMzz9Dthe betrayals mark you, and they never forget you and they change your life LXMzz9Dthe betrayals mark you, and they never forget you and they change your life LXMzz9D 
-e.fairchild (1161)
the betrayals mark you, and they never forget you and they change your life LXMzz9Dthe betrayals mark you, and they never forget you and they change your life LXMzz9Dthe betrayals mark you, and they never forget you and they change your life LXMzz9D 
Gareth Sunwalker (988)
the betrayals mark you, and they never forget you and they change your life LXMzz9Dthe betrayals mark you, and they never forget you and they change your life LXMzz9Dthe betrayals mark you, and they never forget you and they change your life LXMzz9D 

the betrayals mark you, and they never forget you and they change your life

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the betrayals mark you, and they never forget you and they change your life Empty the betrayals mark you, and they never forget you and they change your life

Писане by Liam S. Съб Фев 06, 2021 11:51 pm

Bleeding Mascara

A wraith with an angel's body.
A demon with a smile of gold.

Liam Saunders||30 y.o.||Dominic Sherwood

Лиъм се опитваше по всякакъв начин да отърве съпругата си от проблема, който бе забъркал. Смяташе, че така щеше да спаси бизнеса им, да спаси онова за което тя винаги бе мечтала, но само бе предизвикал нещо, което никога не бе очаквал, че можеше да се случи. Перманентното ежедневие не се променяше. Скандалите в дома им ставаха все по – яростни и големи, а Катлийн сякаш бе забравила за онези прекрасни моменти, които имаха. Но той не можеше да й каже, че бе продал компанията, не можеше да й каже, че един вид я бе заложил, за да я измъкне от финансовата криза и да спре да им дава онова, което до този момент им носеше. Не можеше да разбие сърцето й по този начин, опитваше да прикрие случващото се. Но не можеше да върне дълга, тя бе започнала прекалено много да се меша във финансовите отчети, бе започнала да си фантазира неочаквани неща, неща които не бе предполагал, че можеше да роди съзнанието й. Не можеше да повярва, че дори и за секунда можеше да си помисли, че той бе способен да погледне друга жена. А колкото повече ровеше тя, толкова по – малко успяваше да връща дълга и задържането на бизнеса им ставаше все по – труден и труден. И все пак не искаше да мисли, че имаше друга, макар и каквото и да й кажеше тя да не го слушаше, да продължаваше да си прави илюзии, че харчеше по – друга жена. Но щеше да оправи нещата, рано или късно щеше. Макар и да не знаеше, че това нямаше да се случи толкова лесно. Нямаше да остави брака му да пропадне, не и когато му бе отнело толкова много да получи сърцето й.  Предпочиташе да загубят всичко, но не и един друг.

Отличителен белег; белег във формата на полумесец на рамото
Връзки ; Kathleen Saunders – wife.

Liam S.
Liam S.
Level 1

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the betrayals mark you, and they never forget you and they change your life Empty Re: the betrayals mark you, and they never forget you and they change your life

Писане by The Cosmos Нед Фев 07, 2021 12:40 am

Ех, ех, любов и пари.
И проблеми...
Идващи може би от парите.

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